Science meets caving

Cavers discover, explore and survey caves with great enthusiasm. Academic scientists are more interested on very specific parts of the cave content. Both communities sometimes life in parallel worlds, therefore, this web site tries to bring the academic science to the cavers world.
Furthermore, a central point to summarise and coordinate the scientific work in the Bleßberg Cave is of benefit not only for all involved scientists, but also regarding the protection of the unique beauty of the cave.
Caves represent a valuable archive for science, from which diverse and interesting insights can be gained. For example, they are among the most important climate archives on the mainland (lake and sea sediments represent other important archives). As long as cave sediments and dripstone remain undisturbed, hydrological and climatic conditions can be recorded in detail. The Bleßberg Cave is a distinct stroke of luck in this context, as it was completely closed for thousands of years and, thus, preserved from external disturbance.
For this reason, access to the cave is only possible for research purposes and only in coordinated projects.