Stalagmite growth during MIS 3

Klose, Jennifer

Quantitative multi-proxy climate reconstruction for MIS 3 in Central Europe based on precisely dated speleothems from Bleßberg Cave, Germany PhD Thesis


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Klose, J.; Scholz, D.; Weber, M.; Vonhof, H.; Plessen, B.; Breitenbach, S.; Marwan, N.

Timing of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Central Europe based on three precisely dated speleothems from Bleßberg Cave, Germany Proceedings

Poster, 2023, (Summer School on Speleothem Sciences 2023, Sao Paulo).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Klose, J.; Scholz, D.; Weber, M.; Vonhof, H.; Plessen, B.; Breitenbach, S.; Marwan, N.

Timing and progression of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Central Europe based on three precisely dated speleothems from Bleßberg Cave, Germany Proceedings

Poster, 2023, (XXI INQUA Conference, Rome (Italy)).

Abstract | BibTeX

Klose, J.; Weber, M.; Vonhof, H.; Plessen, B.; Breitenbach, S.; Marwan, N.; Scholz, D.

Timing of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Central Europe based on three precisely dated speleothems from Bleßberg Cave, Germany Proceedings

Poster, 2022, (KR9 Konferenz in Innsbruck).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Klose, Jennifer; Scholz, Denis; Breitenbach, Sebastian F. M.; Plessen, Birgit; Vonhof, Hubert

Determination of phases of warm climate during MIS 3 in Central Europe based on precisely dated speleothems from Bleßberg Cave, Germany Proceedings

Poster, 2021, (GeoKarlsruhe 2021: Sustainable Earth – From processes to resources, Karlsruhe).

Abstract | BibTeX

Different curves
Growth phases of Bleßberg speleothems in comparison to other climate data: (a) Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) reconstruction based on Pa/Th data from core CDH19 from the Bermuda Rise (dark turquoise line). (b) Red Sea sea level reconstruction (dark blue line). (c) North Atlantic sea ice cover reconstruction, based on PbIP25 (an isoprenoid lipid) from the southeastern Norwegian Sea (light turquoise line with triangles). (d) Summer sea surface temperatures (SST) based on alkenone measurements from core MD01-2444 at the Iberian Margin (37°N, black line). (e, f, and g): Vegetation reconstructions based on pollen data from grasses (green), spruce (dark green), and hornbeam (yellow-green) from different Eifel Maar cores (AU3, AU4, HM4). (h) Ice rafted debris (IRD) from core MD01-2040 at the Iberian Margin (40°N, light orange). (i) Combined relative frequency of growth of all three Bleßberg speleothem samples with more than 30% positive slopes in the age model (red). The leads and lags between the onset of DO events in Greenland and the onset of speleothem growth in Bleßberg Cave are indicated. DO events (grey) and Heinrich events (blue) are marked by colored bars.

This scientific study analyzes the speleothem growth phases in the Bleßberg Cave based on the sinter samples BB-9, BB-10, and BB-15 to investigate climatic changes during Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3), approximately 60,000 to 30,000 years ago. The speleothem growth phases coincide with warm and humid climate periods that mark so-called Dansgaard-Oeschger events (DO events). These events were characterized by rapid warming during the last ice age.

A total of nine growth phases were identified, eight of which correlate with DO events such as 16, 14–11 (60.14 – 48.55 ka BP) and 8–6 (38.12 – 32.82 ka BP). These phases occurred during periods of strong Atlantic Ocean currents, warm sea surface temperatures, and reduced sea ice coverage. The most notable growth phase occurred during DO14 (53.4 – 50.4 ka BP), the longest and warmest event of MIS 3. During this time, dense vegetation consisting of Picea and Carpinus trees dominated, indicating particularly favorable climate conditions in Central Europe.

The analysis of carbon isotopes (δ13C), oxygen isotopes (δ18O), and calcium isotopes (δ44/42Ca) plays an important role. The δ13C values show a trend towards higher values over the course of MIS 3, indicating drier conditions and a less developed soil and vegetation cover. Calcium isotopes also confirm the trend towards a drier climate, as calcium tends to precipitate before speleothem formation, which happens more frequently under dry conditions. The study of vegetation shows that it changed from non-woody plants to woody vegetation, particularly between 53,000 and 51,000 years ago. Later, it shifted back to non-woody plants, reflecting drier conditions. The oxygen isotopes also indicate a trend towards colder conditions in the later stages of MIS 3.

During DO14 (approximately 53,500 to 50,500 years ago), there was a warm, humid climate with well-developed soils and dense vegetation, which enabled continuous speleothem growth. At the end of this phase, two cold events occurred, leading to a decline in vegetation and drier, colder conditions.

Overall, the speleothem data from Bleßberg Cave provide important insights into the climate during MIS 3 and highlight that alternating periods of moisture and dryness influenced the growth of the speleothems.