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FU Berlin, Institute of Geological Sciences – Dynamics of the Earth Group

The group is analysing and modelling geodynamic processes that take place on and in the Earth, such as the development of aquifer systems (karstification, groundwater flow, …). Computer simulations are essentially used for this purpose.

A model for the simulationModell Ein Computermodell ist in der Regel eine Sammlung von vielen mathematischen Gleichungen, die verschiedene natürliche (physikalische, chemische, biologische) Vorgänge sehr gut mathematisch darstellen. Im Computer kann man das Modell mit verschiedenen Parameterwerten (z. B. verschiedene Häufigkeit von Klüften, verschiedene Temperatur) laufen lassen, wodurch man ein sehr gutes Verständnis der Zusammenhänge und Einflußfaktoren auf die zu untersuchenden Phänomene erhält. of karstification was developed and applied to the Blessberg cave.


Prof. Dr. Georg Kaufmann

Web Site



Kaufmann, Georg; Romanov, Douchko

Modelling long-term and short-term evolution of karst in vicinity of tunnels Journal Article

In: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 581, pp. 124282, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kaufmann, Georg; Romanov, Douchko

Karst and trains: The challenge of railway tunneling Proceedings Article

In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, pp. EGU2019-3554, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Modelling of karstification

Marwan, Norbert

Bleßberghöhle – Schatzkammer für die Wissenschaft Presentation

15.06.2022, (VdHK-Symposium: Wissenschaft unter Tage – Höhlenforschung im Dialog, Truckenthal (Germany)).


Kaufmann, Georg; Romanov, Douchko

Modelling long-term and short-term evolution of karst in vicinity of tunnels Journal Article

In: Journal of Hydrology, vol. 581, pp. 124282, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kaufmann, Georg; Romanov, Douchko

Karst and trains: The challenge of railway tunneling Proceedings Article

In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, pp. EGU2019-3554, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

The strength and speed of karstification depends on various parameters, such as water balance or the existing rocks. A karstification model was used to model how karstification had developed in the area of the Schalkauer Platte and how it will develop in the future.

The model shows regional differences in the karstification potential. Especially in the areas where the model calculated increased karstification, there are, indeed, more caves, including the Blessberg cave. The modelling of future karst development, especially in the area of the cave part under the tunnel that was blocked during tunnel construction, showed a substantial increase in karstification in this area, i.e., a faster widening of fissures and crevices (in the time frame of 100 to 200 years).